RPGaDay2022 Day 24 When did you start playing this character?

Published: Aug. 25, 2022, 2:39 p.m.

b'When did you start playing this character?\\n\\nKellie:\\n\\nLil (Lil-with-crooked-smile) Changeling Bard\\n\\nLil\\u2019s parents live in secret with humans in the town of Middleton, far from Freeport but a minor stop on the overland routes.\\xa0 Her father, Tal-with-piebald-eyes, is a clerk in the magistrate\\u2019s office under the identity of Thom Tilson. (Til is actually Tal\\u2019s father\\u2019s name).\\xa0 He also has a Persona of Cruxley, the master forger.\\xa0 He often makes forged documents for Changelings who pass through.\\xa0 Her mother, Lah-with-long-lashes, is a bard.\\xa0 She has the Persona of Melody Tilson, a half-elf Bard and performs in the local Tavern.\\xa0 They had many other masks and personas but those were their most used forms.\\xa0 Lil will often use these personas.\\xa0 Lil has a cousin, Voy-with-notched-ear, who lives in a Freeport community of Changelings but she is not very close with him.\\xa0 She prefers the company of her friends but visits regularly.\\xa0 There is so much inspiration and variety amidst the single-skins, especially in a large port city such as Freeport.\\xa0 Lil\\u2019s father sent her to Freeport as an outlet for her \\u201cadventurous\\u201d spirit and avid curiosity.\\xa0 Lil has a talent of finding out people\\u2019s secrets and will sometimes use them to her advantage.\\xa0 It was this talent, as well as her innate abilities with appearance and entertaining that fostered the interest of the College of Chords.\\xa0 Lil\\u2019s favorite instruments are the Lyre and the Lute but she is more than a fair hand at the flute.\\n\\n(The colors are the written text in Kellies hand written journal)\\n\\nLil: Changeling female, 5\\u20197\\u201d, slender build, pale white skin, long silver-white hair, colorless eyes. Normal voice.\\n\\nCruxley: Human male, 6ft., slim build, handsome, short brown hair, connected goatee and mustache with red highlights and a hint of grey, brown eyes, pale skin, and long fingers with ink stains.\\xa0\\xa0He talks with an Irish accent.\\xa0 Master Forger.\\xa0 Cruxley is fond of the cutting remark and not likely to pick up an instrument. He is also very partial to good wine and has a bit of an eye for the ladies.\\xa0RED\\n\\nMelody: Half-elf female, 5\\u20194\\u201d, slim but curvy build, Very beautiful, long Auburn hair, green eyes, rosy pink skin with a bit of freckling on her cheeks, rose petal lips.\\xa0\\xa0She speaks with a cultured manner.\\xa0 Melody is a favored performer and many taverns and inns.\\xa0 Her favorite instrument is the lute for her performances.\\xa0 She loves to wear bright colors and frilly outfits.\\xa0PINK\\n\\nBrava: Tiefling female, 6ft, athletic build, brown skin and horns, black eyes, long black hair, slightly pointed teeth and quite stunning to look upon.\\xa0\\xa0She talks with a sort of Slavic accent.\\xa0 This form is often used for stealth or night jobs.\\xa0 It is also Lil\\u2019s preferred form for rapier fighting.\\xa0 She is most likely to use the lyre in this Persona.\\xa0 Brava favors plain clothing preferring her performance to captivate rather than her attire.\\xa0PURPLE\\n\\nAlgenis \\u201cAl\\u201d: Human male, 5\\u20193\\u201d, young teenager, lanky build, short sandy hair, pale and lightly pimpled skin, blue eyes, kind of nondescript, being average in all things.\\xa0\\xa0He talks with a bit of a Cockney/east ender accent.\\xa0 Messenger Boy.\\xa0 Lil often uses this persona to go unnoticed or spy out interiors.\\xa0 The flute is often used by this form.\\xa0 He does what he can to take care of his Mum who is the barmaid at the Cat\\u2019s Paw Tavern.\\xa0 Her name is Rosie.\\xa0 Rosie is a not a Persona of Lil\\u2019s but she does get a bit of extra coin to say Algenis is hers if anyone comes asking.\\xa0\\xa0YELLOW\\n\\nMistress Monna: Human female, 5\\u20193\\u201d, roughly 60 years of age, wrinkled tan skin but still quite pretty, bright blue eyes, long brown hair with quite a bit of gray salt and peppering it and bound into a messy low bun.\\xa0\\xa0She talks in a Northern Midwestern accent.\\xa0 Monna is a widow.\\xa0 She and her husband Ambrose were never blessed with children.\\xa0 They were plenty happy though until Ambrose went ahead and got himself killed by falling off the docks while carrying cargo and not looking where he was going.\\xa0 Mistress'