D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Season 2 Chapter 2 - Red Larch's Hospitality

Published: June 2, 2015, 9:31 a.m.

D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Season 2 Chapter 2 - Red Larch's HospitalityJoin us in our next adventure in the D&D 5th edition Princes of the Apocalypse   (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join Jocelynne (Reona O'Tuck), Kellie (Sister Solace), Kerrie (Tallyn) Gary (Silvio), Xander (Kasandros), and Jazz (Kriv) as the group delve into the going on's of Red Larch.Quotes:'I'd get drunk and ....turn English.''some highlights and some sight seeing we could do tonight.''The best inn in town, and the only inn in town.''Aye... but I wont have to pay for a room will I?''I do not care so much, but...''She plays the flute too!''He had to learn a little something new today.''You have a very strange town here...''My Cleavage is deep!'