D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 36 - Entangled In the Web of the Spider!

Published: May 19, 2015, 10:18 a.m.

D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 36 - Entangled In the Web of the Spider!Join us in our next part in the D&D 5th edition Starter set: Lost Mine of Phandelver (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join our Adventure party Jocelynne (Lady Corlynn), Kellie (Tilda), Kerrie (Gaelen the Gallant) Gary (Thrain Gunderson) Xander (Salaton Leaton) and Jazz (Hogar) As our adventurers conclude Wave Echo Cave!Quotes:'We are entangled''Protect the healer!''I got a natural 20!''Crispy spider fritters''Shank, Shank, SHANK!''We Lived!