D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 27-Will they live or ...Die!

Published: March 3, 2015, 3:50 p.m.

D&D Journey of the Fifth edition: Chapter 27-Will they live or ...Die!


Join us in our next part in the D&D 5th edition Starter set: Lost Mine of Phandelver (Beware Spoilers for those going to play it). Join our Adventure party Jocelynne (Lady Corlynn), Kellie (Tilda), Kerrie (Gaelen the Gallant) Gary (Thrain Gunderson) Xander (Salaton Leaton) and Jazz (Hogar). As our adventurers are in the claws of Venomfang!

Quotes:    'We can try...''it's to noxious/''were going to kill it in the face.''298 gold pieces?'' ...the two of them are kind of corrupt as it is...''His name is Venomfang!'