3.4 Home Movies

Published: Oct. 14, 2020, 4 a.m.

Spit out your mouth guards and get ready for your closeups Creeps because this is season 3 episode 4 “Home Movies” (Original airdate October 20th, 1999. Written by Jeffrey Stepakoff and directed by Nick Marck). It’s time for the big game, an Oedipal showdown with our fathers, and to christen our teeny tiny boats. Question: would you buy merch from our imaginary Irish pub The Fallen Mule yes or yes? What if all proceeds went to The Capeside County Home for Unfortunate Urchins? Let us know on twitter (@dawsons_creeps) and instagram (@dawsonscreeps). Our antiracism doc is linked on insta and you can find all your favorite football hype songs on our Spotify playlist Dawson’s Creeps - Do You Want to Dance Tomorrow? Mitch’s half-digested bologna, out!

The Ol’ Creek Link Roundup:

Watch This is Paris on Youtube and sign the petition to “Shut down the abusive Provo Canyon School.

Gabby spoke right out of her butt, offensive “Indian” team names and mascots are still a big problem in Masshole high schools and nationwide and also Newton probably isn’t even involved. Learn more about why these mascots and names are shitty and get some tips for educating kids about them in this blog post Gabby wrote for her old job.