Episode 24-Merry Christmas, Dad Style

Published: Dec. 23, 2020, 4:52 a.m.

Welcome back Dayquillers. We kick off this episode with a very special Dads on Daqyuill style of the reading of Twas The Night Before Christmas. Thank you Niki from Page Turners and Button Mashers Podcast for this amazing story to kick this episode off. We get right back into the normal groove with The Stoned's corniest Dad joke yet. Come into the Dad Corner where we do some shoutouts for the week. Love is Lit Podcast, Game for a Movie Podcast, The Jury Room Podcast. We then go into our Dad stories for the week. Special shout out to The Bub and Gobbz Show for helping out with our Christmas Madlib. Let the games begin folks. Our gift to you is the Dad Games. Always popular with out listeners. So we decided to give you all three games. Dad Feud hosted by The Stoned, Dad Garble hosted by The Gnome and last Dad Jeopardy hosted by The Dome. We wrap this week up looking ahead to Christmas and what our families are doing. Except The Gnome who couldn't seem to compose himself during his turn to talk.......Merry Christmas everyone, Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate, go big and be safe. We will see you next week.