Ep. 584: Cock & Bull feat. Amit and Antariksh

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 12:35 a.m.

This week on Cock & Bull, Cyrus is joined by Amit and Silverie (Antariksh) to talk about all the latest juicy happenings, from Trump refusing to concede the US election to Biden, despite clearly losing and the attempts of his administration to appeal to the courts of different states regarding voter fraud to try and delegitimize the election, Arnab Goswami's arrest and subsequent bail grant from the Supreme Court of India, Kunal Kamra being investigated for contempt of court over tweets against the Supreme Court, the Pfizer vaccine and other COVID-19 vaccines, what a Biden presidency is poised to look like in America, and lots more.
You can follow Amit on Instagram & Twitter @DoshiAmit.
You can follow Antariksh on Instagram @antariksht.
Do send in AMA questions for Cyrus by tweeting them to @cyrussaysin or e-mailing them at whatcyrussays@gmail.com
Don't forget to follow Cyrus Broacha on Instagram @BoredBroacha ( https://www.instagram.com/boredbroacha )
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