Brooklyn Grange Rooftop Farm | Gwen & Andrew Gustafson

Published: Jan. 25, 2021, 11 a.m.

Brooklyn Grange Rooftop Farm's second location, installed in 2012, is located atop Building no. 3 at the historic Brooklyn Navy Yard. A massive 65,000 sq ft roof towering twelve stories over the East River, the farm overlooks sweeping views of the dock, downtown Manhattan, and the Williamsburg Bridge. Brooklyn Grange launched their business to connect and engage the community with food, agriculture, and nature, and improve the local urban ecosystem. Their green roof farms reduce the heating and cooling use of the underlying building's upper floors, alleviate urban heat island effect, and mitigate combined sewage overflow by managing almost 2 million gallons of stormwater per year. The farm hosts events, yoga classes, tours, and children's groups via their educational non-profit sister organization, City Growers; designs, builds, and maintains green spaces for clients all over the five boroughs, and consults on urban agriculture projects worldwide. Brooklyn Grange believes that social enterprise is a powerful driver of positive change, and that businesses should be a nourishing part of their community.