Chatterbox #307 Setting boundaries

Published: July 7, 2023, 5:53 a.m.

b'In this Chatterbox episode, Andrew and Anna talk about the concept of setting boundaries. Setting boundaries means creating limits between ourselves and others. For instance, one example of a boundary you could set is to not respond to work-related calls after dinner time. You can set boundaries for yourself, your friends, family, and even your coworkers and boss. Setting boundaries is an important way to take control in your life and show respect for yourself. If you\\u2019d like to hear about how Andrew and Anna set boundaries in their own lives, then this is the episode for you!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nFun facts\\nThe term \\u201cwork-life balance\\u201d became popular in the 1980s. Setting boundaries between your personal life and your professional life is an important strategy for taking care of your mental health. One simple way to set a boundary between working hours and after hours is to turn off e-mail notifications from your work e-mail during that time.\\n\\n\\n\\nExpressions included in the study guide\\n\\n\\n\\n \\tto cross a line/boundary\\n \\tto set a precedent\\n \\tto run the risk\\n \\tto count as\\n \\tto have one\\u2019s [noun] hat on\\n \\tto walk all over [someone]\\n\\n\\n\\nCopyright:\\nFor more information about this episode, visit\\nMusic Credit: Something Elated by Broke for Free\\nImage: Paolo Chiabrando ('