Episode #22 - Alzheimer's Disease in Our Community

Published: Feb. 23, 2016, 6:01 p.m.

Original Air Date: FEBRUARY 19, 2016 | It’s a progressive disease that attacks the brain, gradually robbing people of their memory, ability to think and, in advanced cases, perform even the most basic tasks. It’s affecting over 5 million adults in the United States today. So far, it’s irreversible, and there’s no prevention or cure. And as horrible as it is for those who suffer from it, it’s equally heartbreaking for those who love and care for them. We’re talking about Alzheimer’s Disease. Most of us have heard of it, many of us know someone suffering from it. But what exactly is Alzheimer’s Disease? And, despite its devastating affects today, what are the prospects for discovering new preventions, interventions, and possibly a cure? Find out the latest in Alzheimer’s research from national and local experts and, later, you’ll hear from one Representative who is leading the way in our State’s Legislature to bring awareness and assistance to Alzheimer’s patients and their families across Wisconsin.