Why are spices delicious?

Published: Oct. 13, 2023, 8 p.m.


CrowdScience listener Kristine from Wisconsin in the USA wants to know why herbs and spices taste so good to so many of us. She\\u2019s intrigued to know if there's evidence that herbs and spices can keep us healthy.

Anand Jagatia visits the historic naval city of Portsmouth in the UK, where exotic spices from around the world were first brought in from the East Asia more than 600 years ago.

He\\u2019s on a journey to find out why many of us think spices are delicious. But are there also nutritional benefits to seasoning our food with them? Anand asks what science or studies are there to show that eating herbs and spices can be beneficial for our health?

Presenter: Anand Jagatia \\nProducer: Joanna Hall \\nAssistant Producer: Jonathan Harris \\nEditor: Richard Collings \\nStudio Technicians: Bob Nettles & Steve Greenwood


Prof. Lindell Bromham, evolutionary biologist, Australian National University \\nDr. Kanchan Koya, Molecular Biologist and founder of the Spice Spice Baby website \\nDr. Beronda L. Montgomery, plant biologist and Dean at Grinnell College, Iowa, USA \\nDr. Lorenzo Stafford an olfactory researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, UK

(Photo: A couple stand at a spice shop. Credit: Thomas Barwick / Getty Images)
