We watched the WORST MOVIE EVER!!!

Published: Oct. 24, 2021, 11 a.m.

Alright guys, welcome back to another episode of Crossing Swords.
This week we decided to try something new. We love to test the boundaries and this episode is no different. We introduce to you our new episode: Film Club. The idea is simple, we pick a film, we watch the film and then we tell you what we think.
Sounds simple enough right?  Well we decided what film could be better to introduce film club to you, than to introduce you to what is THE WORST MOVIE ever. The Room.
We promise you this is not an episode to miss and if you wish like us, to sit and watch The Room, here's the link:
We don't want to give too much away so all we'll say its a must listen to this week.

As always you can find us @





And now all of our episodes are recorded and uploaded to YouTube, you can find this @
