When Content Creators Aren't Who They Portray To Be.

Published: Sept. 26, 2020, 5 a.m.


At the end of the day, no one knows who someone truly is.

Sometimes it's hard to separate yourself as the viewer from the content creator providing what we consider entertainment to us.

At the same time, what makes YouTube & live streaming feel so enjoyable is having a place that feels real.

Having that connection to interact with others around the world. The world is huge & there are so many people you can get to meet. When you compare that to the limited amount of people in your own area.

The world has a large population of lovely people that you may end up connecting with. But At times someone can just pretend to be something they are not.

It's a good idea to realize that we don't know someone behind the other side. Doesn't mean it's bad or good. Many different perspectives on this topic.

I think I'm done messaging people lol. I'm an idiot I guess. Too sensitive.

It can be heartbreaking when you think someone is truly kind just to find out they did something you thought they didn't seem capable of ever doing. Don't hold them to a high standard but also don't assume the worst in them as well.

For the bad choices of the few doesn't mean we assume everyone could be this way.

Just bc content creators want to keep certain things private or keep their lives separate from their online lives doesn't mean it's bad.

I feel a lot of the time people try to push others to be open about everything but not everyone wants to be open about everything.

It's ok to have it be separate.

But also those who choose to express everything that is also perfectly fine.

To be noted I don't think the streamer who messaged me what they did is in the wrong.

Just because I’m Feeling emotionally about a response they gave me doesn't mean it was a bad/wrong response.

It felt rude but it doesn't mean it was.

At least from their perspective.

Maybe from their view, I was rude in some sort of way. Still, it's just me venting about my feelings. Doesn't mean this streamer is a bad person. But they know nothing about me. Even though I feel there are different ways to go about things.

Who am I to say what Is the right way. I only know what feels right. Which is a big difference. Anyways my intentions are not to put anyone down or hurt anyone.

Sorry for ranting on… Hope everyone is doing well physically & emotionally
