Episode 22: Payback #5

Published: June 8, 2020, 5 a.m.

We are united in support of #BlackLivesMatter

For more information: https://www.obama.org/anguish-and-action/

Please donate to some of the following charities: https://www.allure.com/story/black-lives-matter-where-to-donate

This week's podcast promo comes to us from our amazing friends FORCE MAJEURE! A table top rpg podcast set in the Star Wars universe. They are an absolute hoot to listen to so check them out on Twitter here: @ForceMajeurePod

Huge THANK YOUs as always to: The creator Monster of the Week, Michaal Sands. You can buy the Monster of the Week rule book and other MOTW material here: https://www.evilhat.com/home/monster-of-the-week/ For more information on POCKET MONSTER OF THE WEEK (Critical Ditto's hack of MOTW, join our discord)

Braxton Burks and The Materia Collective (buy the albums here:  https://braxtonburks.bandcamp.com/ )  GlitchxCity ( Check out the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/GlitchxCity  ) Our Twitter:  https://twitter.com/criticalditto  Our Email: criticalditto@gmail.com