Ep. 47: Process vs. Innovation

Published: Nov. 7, 2017, 4:15 a.m.

Love 'em or hate 'em, processes exist for a reason. 

Yes, they may feel restrictive and ho-hum at times, but I think we can all agree that sound processes help organizations -- particularly agencies -- stay on track and ensure sustainability, scalability, and profitability. 

But how do you operate in a process-driven ecosystem, while also ensuring you're infusing the right amount of creativity at the right time? Moreover, is there such a thing as too much innovation?

These are the questions we attempted to answer for this week's episode. And along the way, Marcella, Jessie-Lee, and I fell face-first into an interesting discussion (see: "rant") about the misconceptions about how creative professionals operate and create. 


What We Talked About

  • Can process and innovation co-exist?
  • Do we use processes as a crutch when we're not feeling creative?
  • How do we ensure we're innovating when we're supposed to be?
  • How do others misinterpret the processes we use to create?
  • Do we need processes in order to create?
  • Can improvements be considered innovations?
  • Is pineapple on pizza an abomination?
  • How aggressive can Jessie-Lee get about her food opinions?
  • And, finally, does Marcella have a candy problem? Judge for yourself...


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