#95: Season 2 Finale: Some Of the Best from Season 2!

Published: Jan. 31, 2022, 7 a.m.

I've put together a remixed buffet of some of the best guests and conversations from the most popular episodes this season.


- Stephanie Scott (EP:88) on the Creative Path
2:15 - 10:25

- Densil McFarlane (EP:75) of the OBGM's on being Strong Creatively
11:23 - 18:31

- Isabel Carreńo (EP:85) on "Not Taking it Too Seriously"
19:47 - 26:18

- Kim-A-Tron (EP:84) - "There is No Proper Way to be an Artist"
27:14 -3 5:32

- The High Road Design (Jon Kutt) (EP:89) on Creative Bitterness
36:36 - 43:58

- Robin (EP:80) and Elaine (EP:83) on Marketing, Partnership, and Kitchener
45:00 - 54:54

- Taylor Jones  (EP:81)and Kyle Sawyer (EP:94) on the Keys to Success in Business and Contrived vs Occurring Ideas
56:14 - 1:02:48

- Jonathan Ferrell (farrell_lego) (EP:65) on the Wisdom of Letting Go
1:04:14 - 1:06:48

- Izzy (Isabelle Poirier) of the Ottawa Design Club (EP:82) on Why We Create and Finding her Purpose
1:08:00 - 1:12:10

this episode was produced by Ryan Leacock
(*some audio was corrupted in the mixer - this is the best Mixed Media Sound could fix it.  Better luck next season.)

Thank you for a great 2nd season!

This episode is sponsored by Him and Her

Music for this episode was created by:
Sarah, the Illstrumentalist
Matt Large
Bonkers Beat Club
Dusty Decks
