1797 FBF: Unused Assets, Most Average City in America, Signs Money is Flowing

Published: Jan. 28, 2022, 11:59 p.m.


Today\'s FLash Back Friday is from Episode 807 published last March 22, 2017.

In this solo episode, Jason reviews articles which depict the current economic state of affairs from coast to coast. In San Francisco, one company is paying employees to move, developers are driving up the cost of homeownership in New York City and the most average city in the US is exactly where you would expect it to be. Jason also reminds us why we shouldn\\u2019t be alarmed by rising interest rates because, as he points out, you have to look at the big picture. Money is and will be flowing into the real estate market during the Trump Administration. Don\\u2019t let your money be lazy! Contact an investment counselor today. \\xa0


If you are a new investor or thinking about investing in income property, visit Jasonhartman.com and watch the video, How to Analyze a Real Estate Deal. It\\u2019s free educational material.

Key Takeaways:

[2:22] The measurements used to determine the Most Average City in America.

[7:57] A small tangent turns into a rant about the downsides of Tesla ownership.

[14:13] The Business Insider article about Zapier paying employees 10K to move outside of San Francisco.

[16:42] Developers are swarming in New York City neighborhoods article.

[19:13] Signs money continues to flow into the real estate.

[22:20] The ability to borrow is a great asset.

[28:46] Money will flow into real estate under a Trump Administration.

[30:07] Work with an investment counselor to help build your portfolio.

[33:33] What will cause the rise of the suburbs?

[38:08] Why you should go back and listen to previous Creating Wealth episodes.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Real Estate Tools




This is the Most Average City in America by Michael Harthorne

Business Insider:

The cost of living in San Francisco is so high, a tech company is paying workers to leave by Melia Robinson

\\u2018We\\u2019re like cockroaches\\u2019: Developers are swarming over emerging neighborhoods by E.B. Solomont


The WEALTH TRANSFER is happening FAST! Protect your financial future now! Did you know that 25% to 40% of all dollars ever created were dumped into the economy last year???\\xa0\\xa0This will be devastating to some and an opportunity to others, be sure you\\u2019re on the right side of this massive wealth transfer. Learn from our experiences, maximize your ROI and avoid regrets.

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