267: Book 3 Chapters 10 & 11 - Gulliver's Travels

Published: Aug. 31, 2012, 10 a.m.

b"Part 3, Chapter 10-11.\\xa0 Before I get to anything else, a huge thank you to everyone (). We will now be able to get to LA, eat, and transport ourselves to-and-from the surgery and purchase any and all meds for my son. The only little thing I can do is\\xa0, so it's going through mid-night Tuesday for you.. Thank you. Thank you\\xa0somuch. * * * The Bizness: I wonder what Swift would have done with\\xa0\\xa0or\\xa0's for that matter! \\xa0and checkout the\\xa0\\u2014for a limited time you can get it by subscribing (see above) And what if I told you that we might be able to\\xa0travel\\xa0together again with the Fabulous\\xa0Diane? And what if I told you we might be able to go in the\\xa0summer so the teachers can go? And what if I told you that it might\\u2014just might\\u2014be a trip to\\u2026Ireland? Would you be interested? Well, in order to make this trip a reality we need numbers.\\xa0If you're reasonably interested and would like to be on the mailing list for this trip, please Subscribe to the Ireland-or-Bust mailing list Spread the word and have any friends-or-family who might be interested in joining you sign up too. Diane will use these numbers and we'll let you know the details via the email you provide. You can\\xa0, to your followers, too. And Be on the show!\\xa0\\xa0And don't forget\\u2014donations to the show this month put you in the drawing\\xa0for the iPad! Squeee! * * * Don't forget to sign up for the new CraftLit mailing list\\xa0which will allow me to get announcements out to you (like: Surprise! I have new classes in Dallas and VA!). Enter your email below and click the button below.\\xa0 I will never, ever give or sell your email information to anyone. * * * And remember, if you\\xa0subscribe\\xa0you will get links to Cheddar, Wensleydale patterns AND new exclusive audio every week! This week, chapters 34-35 of\\xa0\\xa0and\\xa0Wuthering Heightsto come! More audio to automagically appear while we're at the surgery. Defarge Two\\u2014\\u2014this time in color!\\u2014is in pre-orders! * * * , master of\\xa0Gulliver\\xa0and\\xa0\\xa0is cooking up some new audiolicious Bardage for us! Checkitout! \\xa0 grab the code Book talk begins at 4:54 and you can listen to it ."