Episode 34 - Monarchs, Garden for Wildlife and PHS

Published: May 6, 2021, 3:02 a.m.


Monarchs are not a passing trend. Kylee knows Monarchs. Having done the research and written the book, The Monarch, Saving Our Most-Loved Butterfly


Consider purchasing a few plants from the Garden for Wildlife Collection of plants specifically for the Monarchs from the National Wildlife Federation by clicking here


Philadelphia Flower Show information can be accessed here...make a weekend of it!!


YES, you can still purchase tickets to The Great Grow Along by clicking here.


I want to say THANK YOU for continuing to follow me:


Https://www.cottageinthecourt.com...Instagram and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCourt, and sometimes on Medium: Cottage In The Court


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In the meantime...garden like you mean it!


Teri, Cottage In The Court


#gardencomm is information that we need to know as we encounter a new season of gardening. Are you growing to support the Monarch?




