Episode 29 - PHS...The Philadelphia Flower Show...Oh My!!

Published: April 21, 2021, 10 a.m.


I had the pleasure of interviewing Seth Pearsoll, Design Director, Philadelphia Flower Show. He shared what we just might want to know about the show...so we can dream as we await opening day. To find  out more about the Philadelphia Flower Show, click here


I am in the middle of reading, Emily Dickenson\'s Gardening Life by Marta McDowell, a fabulous book indeed. I wanted to share one of her poems, "New feet within my garden go"


I want to say Thank You for continuing to follow me...there is so much more in store!


Check out my website, Https://www.cottageinthecourt.com...Instagram, and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCourt, and sometimes on Medium: Cottage In The Court


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In the meantime...garden like you mean it!


Teri, Cottage In The Court


