Episode 02 - England On My Mind and ThePlantaholic

Published: Jan. 14, 2021, 3:26 a.m.


A long overdue brief trip to England landed me at The Garden Museum. It was such a memorable adventure that has stayed on the surface of my heart. I cannot wait to return and spend more time there and in other places. You can read about my excursion here.


I recorded this interview in December, so I am a little late in sharing it! ThePlantaholic on YOUTUBE has captured my attention. Wayne shares his pursuit of gardening, pushes zones, and has memories of his garden experiences in the US. I hope that you enjoy this conversation with him and follow him on YOUTUBE. He has a propagation system that is awesome! I can\'t wait to see what he will be propagating in January! His tour of the garden also provides inspiration for what he is growing to feed his passion for gardening!


A great book for quotes on gardening has provided much joy to me this season. the Gardener says - Quotes, Quips, and Words of Wisdom, compiled and edited by Nina Pick


I ask that you continue to follow me:


Https://www.cottageinthecourt.com...Instagram and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCourt, and sometimes on Medium: Cottage In The Court


If you live in the DMV and want to know what\'s happening locally and in our gardens, follow the collaborative podcast by two garden communicators, Peggy Riccio and Teresa Speight. Two garden fanatics talking about real gardening as it occurs right in our own yards!! Check out the Gardens \'n Plants Podcast - we will resume in January 2021!


If you would like to stay in the know, please subscribe to Apple Podcasts.


In the meantime...garden like you mean it!


Teri, Cottage In The Court



