In Celebration Of Julia Child, Our One-Minute Cooking Tip, An Interview with Author Anna Voloshyna, Fresh Summer Corn & More!

Published: Aug. 29, 2022, 2 p.m.

Welcome! We're Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, the authors of almost three dozen cookbooks under our own names (plus two knitting books from Bruce and a memoir from Mark)--and that's not counting the books we've ghost-written for celebrities.

This is our food and cooking podcast. In each episode, we explore something we're thinking about in food, offer a cooking tip, interview a chef or an author, and tell you what's making us happy in food this week. We're so pleased you're along on the journey with us. Thank you.

Here are the segments of this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE AND MARK:

[00:58] In celebration of Julia Child, who would have had her 110th birthday a couple of weeks ago. Here are some things about this U. S. culinary icon you might not have known.

[08:25] Our one-minute cooking tip: how to ripen bananas fast.

[09:16] Bruce's interview with Anna Voloshyna, the author of the new Ukranian cookbook BUDMO.

[27:25] What’s making us happy in food this week: fresh summer corn in salads.