Brining 101

Published: Jan. 18, 2021, 2 p.m.

Brining is the key to success on the grill, in the oven, and often in a skillet. Brined meat is tastier, juicier, and more tender.

Join us, Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, as we offer you the secrets to making a brine: tips, hints, and even a few recipes. Have a pen ready. Your grill grate needs this episode. Your roasting pan, too.

Here are the segments of this episode:

[00:21] What is a brine?

[02:42] What to brine-and what not to brine.

[06:15] To brine you need a good container. But what kind?

[9:39] How does brining work? 

[14:35] What's basic timing for stuff in a brine?