BNN #55 - Convert to Raid presents: Gearing Up for Anaheim

Published: Oct. 4, 2017, 4:50 p.m.

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Sharku (Merely a Setback), John Horstmann (Well Met, The Payload), and Thorn (Lagging Balls) join the crew this week to talk about WoW and more!

10:00 - CTR Patches and Community Coloring Book are still available at
12:15 - BlizzCon schedule announced! Overwatch in the arena, Podcasters on stage at BlizzCon, more
24:15 - WoW: Mythic Dungeons Invitational FInals, Forbes interviews Morgan Day, Q&A this week!
43:10 - Overwatch: Halloween event coming, Jeff Kaplan forum post
55:10 - Hearthstone: Developer interviews
59:00 - No Diablo at BlizzCon?
1:05:10 - eSports: HGC teams finalized for BlizzCon, Overwatch League updates, Overwatch Contenders
1:19:00 - Show notes and Listener Mail!
1:23:00 - Outro

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