#166 - Convert to Raid: Is WoW Going Pay to Win?

Published: Dec. 22, 2014, 8:39 p.m.

The CtR crew is back for one last hilarious, informative show before 2015!

The race to world first may be over, but not all of the top 20 have crossed the finish line. The guys check in on the standings, and tell you how Blizzard may have screwed it all up for the competition in Highmaul.

Looking for Raid Wing 2 opened this week, named Arcane Sanctum, and features Tectus, Twin Ogron and Ko’ragh. LFR heroes are finding out that mechanics matter, and players are dying! So is this still “tourist mode,” or are we seeing a step up in difficulty?

Blizzard announced several plans for patch 6.1 and beyond, like the new Blood Elf models, a Legendary follower for your garrison, a tab for heirloom items similar to pets and mounts, and being able to tweet from in-game.

But there were some surprises in that announcement, like Blizzard announcing that they will be overhauling the UI so that people will be able to follow the action in War Games skirmishes! Soon™, tournament organizers may be able to have a true spectator mode, which could mean future improvements for PvE as well!

Also, Blizzard announced that they are developing a way for players to purchase tradable game-time token with real dollars to see for gold. What does this mean for the economy of WoW, and does that mean we may be heading to a “pay to win” model?


Happy Winter Veil, and a Happy New Year from Convert to Raid. We’ll see you next year!