Bernardo Kastrup: Dreaming Reality

Published: Sept. 23, 2019, 11:05 a.m.

b'The notion that we live in a hardened, physical material world, separated from mind, is ingrained into our consciousness.\\xa0 It is a such a common thought that as some have said, to accept the independence of the material world is a test of sanity.\\xa0 But it turns out that the question is not that straightforward after all.\\xa0 And importantly, in our modern, free-thinking culture, the question is no longer off-limits.\\xa0 Among the enigmas that bring the topic front and center, is the so-called hard problem of consciousness; this is the problem of explaining how something as ephemeral and quality-rich as consciousness arose from the gray matter of the brain.\\xa0 The problem is so intractable, in fact, that it shifts us to think that maybe we have the picture upside down: perhaps consciousness is at the source of the physical world.\\xa0 This radical-sounding thought, however, is not new but has its\\xa0 source in the original writings of ancient Indian and Greek thinkers, among many other cultures.\\xa0 Today, a number of writers are updating these ideas to confront the dominant materialistic paradigm, which holds that all that exists is matter in motion.\\xa0 Among the leaders of this new movement is this week\'s guest, Dutch writer,\\xa0Bernado Kastrup, author of a number of books in this area, including Dreamed-up Reality\\xa0and The Idea of the World (,\\xa0that challenge the materialistic paradigm.\\xa0 Prepare for a mind-opening conversation.'