The REAL David Knight Show ll Pfizer Lawsuit Could Cost Them $3.3 TRILLION

Published: Aug. 31, 2022, 4:26 p.m.


* Look who Biden appointed as head of IRS Army! Is its purpose to attack crypto to support CBDC and GreatReset takedown?
\\n* UK data shows 57% increase in deaths of 10-14 females after TrumpShots
\\n* Jared Kushner: I\'ll Live Forever - their war on YOU is based on the technocratic globalist elite\'s transhumanist belief they will become immortal through technology
\\n* "Winter of our Discontent" \\u2014 poverty & starvation caused by sanctions and agendas
\\n* Who Killed the Car? Privately owned cars were killed before Newsom or Inslee edicts. Whodunit?
\\n* $3.3 Trillion Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit could bankrupt the Pharmakeia giant
\\n* Biden\'s Student Loan is Entitlement by Exec Order - "Student loan forgiveness" is a radical change in how laws and unconstitutional entitlement programs are created.
\\n* There\'s too many TrumpShot bodies to cover-up and Dems are already pointing the finger. His alt-media supporters are begging Trump to admit he was hoodwinked on vaccines and ask forgiveness. Here\'s 2 reasons he\'ll NEVER do that.


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