The REAL David Knight Show ll Human Clones for Spare Parts, War Escalates with Political...

Published: Aug. 23, 2022, 2:50 p.m.


* Human embryo clones for spare parts \\u2014 "ethical" they say, because they\'re bred without heads!
\\n* "Green Police" in France, "Covid Cops" in Brazil \\u2014 armies of domestic militarized "MacGuffin Cops" to ensure compliance are springing up globally
\\n* Dad accused by Google AI of kid porn after legitimately sending doctor his son\'s picture as part of a telemedicine examination. He\'s cleared by police but Google is still punishing him. And what does it tell us about our vulnerability to the EVIL tech giant?
\\n* A string of several legal victories in lawsuits for those opposing vaccine mandates but the medical dictators are NOT giving up, desperately testing pets now to keep the panic going
\\n* Trump raid looking more like CYA by FBI. The usual suspects at the bureaucracy may have been looking for documents that would incriminate them in their coup attempt in the partisan Game of Thrones
\\n* How can commentators RAGE against the toxic Trump Shots and at the same time CHEER Trump as our only hope?
\\n* Latest red herring over sudden vaccine deaths? Media tells us people are dying suddenly now because of "lockdown"
\\n* INTERVIEW: Alexander Dugin - Dangerous Ideas to Whom? Dugin, a target for assassination that instead killed his daughter, has a philosophy that\'s very influential in Russian military and reportedly with Putin. In this interview he explains how he sees globalism and America, and why he sees us in an existential fight against AI & cyborgs


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