The REAL David Knight Show ll Dollar Shock; Trumps OTHER Covid Exec Order; Dodges Electric V8...

Published: Aug. 21, 2022, 2:25 p.m.


* A look at Trump\'s OTHER Exec Order, 6 months before the national emergency. It lays out the entire plan months before anyone anywhere talked about "Covid"
\\n* Dems use Smith & Wesson as a campaign prop. The company\'s CEO doesn\'t back down
\\n* Dollar Shock Coming? China doubling gold purchases each successive month for 3 months as Saudi Arabia, linchpin of the petro-dollar makes moves to join BRICS (Russia-China-India and others)
\\n* NY Sheriff working hard to save people from the felony trap laid by NY Gov Hochul for those legally licensed to carry
\\n* The most dangerous CIA director says Republicans are the most "dangerous" political group \\u2014 ever
\\n* Shanghai shoppers corralled and quarantined over THIS LUDICROUS "justification" as China demands even fish be tested for Covopox
\\n* UCLA law school creates database to track "wrongthink" about CRT
\\n* INTERVIEW Sound of Silence: Dodge Kills Charger. Eric Peters, Dodge\'s new electric Charger gets a ludicrous "patented" simulated engine sound. Listen for yourself if its a replacement for the roar of the V8. What about "diversity"? Do we get to choose anything anymore? All "choices" made by govt about everything. A look back at some milestone cars when freedom and mobility counted

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