The REAL David Knight Show ll Biden Student Loan Order Based on Trump Emergency Exec Order

Published: Aug. 30, 2022, 3:57 p.m.


* Congress\' bipartisan push for CBDC a week before all Biden Administration agencies file their CBDC reports
\\n* GM executive demonstrates coal-fired EV and China shuts down EV charging stations due to power shortage (it will happen worldwide)
\\n* Trump\'s Emergency Declaration Executive Order is a gift that keeps giving to the czars and dictators of the bureaucracy. Biden Administration\'s claims it gives them authority to forgive student loans
\\n* Should we call it the "SADS vaccine"? More young, healthy people die suddenly and "without explanation".
\\n* Synthetic mouse created from stem cells as we move another step closer to Brave New World hatcheries
\\n* Kim Kardashian skunks Hillary on legal quiz
\\n* Even Obama\'s chief economic advisor criticizes the student loan giveaway. And a look at what it will REALLY cost \\u2014 far, far above the stated amount
\\n* Marjorie Taylor Greene makes the same argument as Sandy Hook plaintiffs, threatens to sue "lying media" for endangerment. What is the appropriate response that protects Free Speech?
\\n* INTERVIEW: Middle Class Falls, Dollar Stores Surge. Gerald Celente, Global austerity hidden with temporary handouts as goats rush to CBDC. And how political party perceptions are used to cloak actions their base would never tolerate from the other side.


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