The Kershner Files | Ep6: On the Road w Steve, Soviet Era Shenanigans, & Some Fun Preparedness Videos

Published: Sept. 21, 2023, 2:28 a.m.





In Episode 6 of The Kershner Files, Dave discusses some more preparedness adjacent topics. He starts the show with an \\u201cOn the Road with Steve\\u201d segment that dovetails into a further discussion of the EPA standards that will wreck our trucking industry and the supply chain along with it. But that\\u2019s not enough for the left as Dave ties together a number of current events to further prove his most recent salient point regarding the left and their agenda to destroy this nation from within. He closes the show by playing some preparedness videos regarding chem trails, sweet potatoes, water filtration using cat tails, and runner ducks. Articles discussed:


Instagram videos I couldn\\u2019t download for some reason:


Immunity Concoction


Flu Bomb


Companies to consider supporting:\\xa0Boss Shotshells,\\xa0BBK Leather Designs,\\xa0C&E Gun Shows


Sponsor Link:\\xa0Augusta Precious Metals


Available for Purchase - Fiction:


When Rome Stumbles\\xa0|\\xa0Hannibal is at the Gates\\xa0|\\xa0By the Dawn\\u2019s Early Light\\xa0|\\xa0Colder Weather\\xa0|\\xa0A Time for Reckoning\\xa0(paperback versions) |\\xa0Fiction Series\\xa0(paperback) |\\xa0Fiction Series\\xa0(audio)


Available for Purchase - Non-Fiction:


Preparing to Prepare\\xa0(electronic/paperback) |\\xa0Home Remedies\\xa0(electronic/paperback) |\\xa0Just a Small Gathering\\xa0(paperback) |\\xa0Just a Small Gathering\\xa0(electronic)



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