The Kershner Files | Ep24: Comparison Shopping, Event Forecasting, and Looter Advice

Published: Feb. 14, 2024, 8:20 p.m.




In Episode 24 of The Kershner Files, Dave starts the show by revisiting last weeks $100 Walmart shopping trip with comparison prices. From there, Dave has a wide ranging discussion regarding the survey results where peppers rank their biggest concerns. This topics brings the Critical National Infrastructure Report and the historical Carrington Event which occurred in September of 1859 into the conversation. Dave closes the show by discussing looters after a collapse. Articles/topics discussed:

  • State-by-State Gun Shows - New page on the website
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  • $100 Walmart Prepper Food Run in 2024 by Nichola Oetken from Ask a Prepper
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  • Critical National Infrastructures Report - Executive Report and the Critical National Infrastructures Report
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  • Carrington Event - Wiki
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  • 5 Types of Looters and How to Outsmart Them by Fergus Mason from Ask a Prepper
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Companies to consider supporting: Boss Shotshells, BBK Leather Designs, C&E Gun Shows


Available for Purchase - Fiction:


When Rome Stumbles | Hannibal is at the Gates | By the Dawn\\u2019s Early Light | Colder Weather | A Time for Reckoning (paperback versions) | Fiction Series (paperback) | Fiction Series (audio)


Available for Purchase - Non-Fiction:


Preparing to Prepare (electronic/paperback) | Home Remedies (electronic/paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (electronic)



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