The Kershner Files | Ep1: Truncated Summer Hiatus Review and 3 Article Reviews

Published: Aug. 17, 2023, 7:52 p.m.




In Episode 1 of The Kershner Files, Dave kicks off his inaugural episode from the Augusta Precious Metals studio by providing an explanation for the preparedness show re-brand, discusses his summer hiatus activities, provides an \\u2018On the Road w/ Steve\\u2019 update, reads a fan mail letter, and discusses three articles. These articles are:


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Available for Purchase - Fiction:


When Rome Stumbles\\xa0|\\xa0Hannibal is at the Gates\\xa0|\\xa0By the Dawn\\u2019s Early Light\\xa0|\\xa0Colder Weather\\xa0|\\xa0A Time for Reckoning\\xa0(paperback versions) |\\xa0Fiction Series\\xa0(paperback) |\\xa0Fiction Series\\xa0(audio)


Available for Purchase - Non-Fiction:


Preparing to Prepare\\xa0(electronic/paperback) |\\xa0Home Remedies\\xa0(electronic/paperback) |\\xa0Just a Small Gathering\\xa0(paperback) |\\xa0Just a Small Gathering\\xa0(electronic)



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