The Jeffers Brief 11 Sept 2023

Published: Sept. 12, 2023, 3:52 p.m.




Another informative episode for the listeners, aka the Intelligensia, of The Jeffers Brief.\\xa0 Topics are:


* Vocal Fry.\\xa0 What Is It and Why It is Dumb.


* Canned Meats For Your Pantry


* 12 Food Items You Should Not Order


* Attacks On The Power Grid


* Generic Drug Shortage


* NYC Hamstrings It\'s Own Police Department....Again


* Oil Climbs To 9 Month High


* A New Law That 535 Grifters, Liars and Cheats Won\'t Like


* Warning Signs For Dems


* Why You Should Not Order Iced Tea When Dining Out


* The Teaxas Power Grid


* Dems Demand a New Tax ( I Know Big Surprise)


* The White House Continues It\'s Shameless Lie ( Again, Big Surprise)


* Bribem Admin Cancels Oil and Gas Leases in ANWR


* NM Dem Gov Orders a 30 Day Moratorium On Open Carry




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