The Dave Kershner Lightning Round Ep 25

Published: Oct. 31, 2021, 2:20 a.m.


In Episode 25, Dave presents his first stand-alone "He Who Shall Not Be Named" Jackassery Minute episode. He starts off with a review of OHSA implementing the vax mandates, hiding adverse reactions to the vax, and businesses telling them and the administration to pound sand. From there, he discusses the Virginia Governor\'s race and the uphill climb Dems have in front of them... and who isn\'t all for Dems having to constantly trudge uphill? After that he discusses the supply chain, China\'s controlling interesting in our ports, and this administrations hatred of the American people (aka the non-elites). He does manage to say the fools name one time, but it was only because he was reading a quote. He still hasn\'t willingly said it as part of his commentary. It\'s the little things, right? Dave ends the show by discussing a local school board election and the typical leftist response before reviewing what can only amount to yet another failed attempt to curb our Second Amendment rights in H.R. 127.

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