Survivalist Prepper Podcast | SPP388: Gardening, Society, & WW3 w/ All American Prepper

Published: Sept. 21, 2023, 2:36 a.m.




Today, I have The All American Prepper on again to talk about his gardening and food storage plans, some current events such as the powers that be playing God, as well as our thoughts on SHTF possibilities here and abroad.\\xa0


You know there will be some Tin Foil Hat Time when we start discussing Geoengineering, Chemtrails, or SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection), as they like to call it.


Because chemtrails is a conspiracy theory\\u2026right?\\xa0


Make sure to\\xa0visit All American Prepper on YouTube\\xa0and subscribe while you\\u2019re there.\\xa0



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