Prepping 2.0 Episode 98

Published: Sept. 17, 2020, 2:20 a.m.



In Episode 98, we answer Patreons\\u2019 random questions sent in, which wwe call the Mail Bag. Here\\u2019s the link to the Mail Bag thread. We mention an Army field manual in the Top 100 segment; here is the link to that manual. We have  new segments called the Dollar Store Score and Normalcy Bias Spotlight. Shelby gives her acceptance speech for the prestigious Nostradamus Award for predicting the future (a made-up award that Glen gave her). In the After Show, exclusively for Patreon supporters, we continue reading and answering Patreons\\u2019 Mail Bag questions. Please support our sponsors EMP ShieldNumanna FoodsBackwoods Home Magazine, and Minutemen Coffee. Learn more about our podcast at Prepping

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