David Knight | INTERVIEW The FACE Act Voided by Dobbs; "SEALS Beat Biden" Documentary

Published: Feb. 7, 2024, 10:51 p.m.




Over a quarter million resisted Biden\'s unconstitutional, unethical military mandates for jab.\\xa0\\xa0JAG Attorney Davis Younts joins to talk about the victory won by SEALs and others and the ongoing recriminations by Biden.\\xa0\\xa0
And, the FACE Act has been weaponized by Biden against pro-life protestors unlike any other time in its 30 year history.\\xa0\\xa0Six people have been recently convicted and face over a decade in prison.\\xa0\\xa0Will their appeal show that the Supreme Court Dobbs decision effectively repealed the FACE Act as well as Roe v Wade?


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