Voices from the Dust

Published: Nov. 4, 2020, 7 p.m.

b'Mt. Vesuvius and the Destruction of Pompeii
Guest:\\xa0Roger Macfarlane, Professor of Classical Studies at Brigham Young University\\xa0
The last days of Pompeii before the eruption of Vesuvius were just like any others,\\xa0despite the dramatic portrayals in cultural history\\xa0that suggest differently. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the people of Pompeii were more decadent than people in any neighboring cities, despite commentaries that suggest they got what they deserved.\\xa0
Archeologists Shed New Light on Ancient Jewish Life
Guest: Jodi Magness, Professor of Early Judaism, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Director, Huqoq Excavation Project
In an ancient mural of Jonah, the poor prophet is swallowed by a succession of three fish. What could that possibly mean? We\\u2019ll ask the expert who found this unusual mural in a remote town in Israel.
See Huqoq murals here.
Learn more about the Huqoq excavation here.'