Monstrous Creations & Procreations

Published: April 23, 2020, 7 p.m.

The Sons and Daughters of Infamous Modern Dictators
Guest: Jay Nordlinger, Senior Editor, National Review and author, "Children of Monsters: An Inquiry into the Sons and Daughters of Dictators"
What would life be like as the child of a dictator? The lives of these children shows that an infamous pedigree alone does not condemn a child to replicate their parents.
Writings of Modern History’s Worst Men
Guest: Daniel Kalder, author, "The Infernal Library: On Dictators, the Books They Wrote, and Other Catastrophes of Literacy"
Modern history’s worst men had an unusual tendency towards writing and access to massive printing runs of their terrible tomes. While in power, totalitarian dictators used the pen and the sword to spread their ideas to an often, literally, captive audience.