Fast, Faster, Fastest, Fastidious

Published: May 1, 2020, 7 p.m.

Meet Major Taylor, America’s First Black Sport’s Hero
Guest: Michael Kranish, investigative reporter, "Washington Post," and author, “The World's Fastest Man: The Extraordinary LIfe of Cyclist Major Taylor, America's First Black Sports Hero”
Before Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens, or Jack Johnson, Major Taylor used his incredible athletic ability to fight racism and prejudice and become the world’s fastest man.
Race Walking
Guests: Jeff Salvage, race-walking coach, founder,, and former international competitor; Miranda Melville, Olympian race walker
Race walking is a serious sport for serious athletes. It is distinguished from running by keeping one foot on the ground at all times. Fastidious form is paramount, and it's helpful for everyone to learn how to do it as they age. Marcus Smith wonders if it's a sport he should take up.