Death by Shakespeare

Published: April 14, 2020, 7 p.m.

Death by Shakespeare
Guest: Kathryn Harkup, PHD is a chemist and the author of “Death by Shakespeare: Snakebites, Stabbings and Broken Hearts”
Shakespeare’s plays have inspired many of today’s films, books, and plays, but what inspired Shakespeare's plays? Kathryn Harkup talks about the real science and history behind the numerous deaths in Shakespeare.
How Victorian poisonings shaped Forensic Toxicology
Guest: Linda Stratmann, author of “The Secret Poisoner: A Century of Murder”
One of the defining fears of the Victorian age, writes Linda Stratmann, is fear of being murdered by poison. In fact, the scandal and fascination surrounding publicized poisonings may have shaped forensic toxicology as we know it today.