Joe Biden Could Take Office During The Worst Of The Pandemic. What's His Plan?

Published: Nov. 9, 2020, 9:53 p.m.

b'In 2008, then President-elect Obama and President Bush set up a join task force to help the incoming administration deal with the financial crisis they were about to inherit. Brown University\'s Ashish Jha tells NPR a similar effort is needed now to deal with the coronavirus. But so far, there\'s no sign of any cooperation from the Trump administration.

President-elect Biden has established his own task force of scientists and physicians to work on his administration\'s response to the pandemic. Task force member Dr. Nicole Lurie tells NPR one goal of their effort will be to convince Americans the virus is the enemy \\u2014 not each other.

The Biden administration will also inherit Operation Warp Speed, the government\'s vaccine development program. Gus Perna is the Army general in charge. He explains how vaccine distribution might work.

The pandemic won\'t be the only public health challenge facing the Biden administration if millions of people lose their health care coverage. That\'s what could happen if the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act, explains Erin Fuse Brown with Georgia State University\'s College of Law.

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