Week 6 - Why You Need a Friend

Published: Sept. 14, 2020, noon


Somewhere in your journey to become a writer, you will receive a swift kick to the face. For aspiring literary writers, there is a life of long hours, less fame/money than you'd expect, and fairly consistent stress. You will wrestle with ideas, blockages, technique, critics, coaching suggestions, and the assorted miasma of defining your "personal brand."

Here's the secret, you don't need any of those quick fixes. What you need is a friend.

Specifically, you need to build a community with other writers. Not for who they can introduce you to, or for what you think they might do in the future, but because you need someone who knows what you're going through to know how to get through it. Kind of like AA.

Join me for Week 6 of my 52-week journey to make some changes in my life as a writer on Confessions of a Working Writer Season 2.

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Intro and Outro music courtesy of Georgia Moon (https://www.thegeorgiamoon.com/)

You can find more from Matt at
Medium (https://medium.com/@matthewrhampton)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/mhamptonwriter)
