Week 5 - You're Not Your Title

Published: Sept. 8, 2020, noon


I'm a writer.

It seems like a simple thing with a simple definition. I wake up in the morning and I write. My writing is a constant craft I practice and work to hone. It's a labor of love that I have practiced for decades. Sounds simple enough. That should be enough.

Then why are there so many voices out there talking about claiming your title as a writer?

Let's talk about it.

Join me for Week 5 in my 52-Week Journey to make something happen in Season 2 of Confessions of a Working Writer.

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Intro and Outro music courtesy of Georgia Moon (https://www.thegeorgiamoon.com/)

You can find more from Matt at
Medium (https://medium.com/@matthewrhampton)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/mhamptonwriter)
