Week 32 - Lifehack 0.5

Published: March 15, 2021, 10 a.m.


Do you find yourself constantly racing to 4x, 10x, or 1,000x your life? Are you constantly fine-tuning every single moment of your life? Is everything you eat weighed out and planned the night before? Do you listen to your audiobooks, podcasts, and music at higher speeds so you can fit in more? Have you spent more than $100 on self-development in the last month?

Does this all just make life seem like a chore?

That's because you're doing it wrong. You've done to far looking at lifehack 2.0 and beyond. You need to take a step back to lifehack 0.5.

Join me for another episode of Confessions of a Working Writer to learn more about this incredible, and incredibly free, view of the world.

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Intro and Outro music courtesy of Georgia Moon (https://www.thegeorgiamoon.com/)

You can find more from Matt at
Medium (https://medium.com/@matthewrhampton)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/mhamptonwriter)
