Let's Talk Language

Published: March 26, 2020, 11 a.m.


Have you ever seen how a musician treats their instrument? How a singer cares for their voice? A dancer for their body? A painter for their hands?

These are the tools of their trade, the thing that allows them to create. For writers it's language. Whether flowery or crude, lordly or common, real or made up, language is our stock and trade. Words have meaning, speech has tone, and all of the varied facets of language help us create a character, craft a world, and communicate with a reader.

But how do we learn more about language? How can we master the tool of our craft?

Join me for another Confession of a Working Writer as we talk about this very topic.

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Intro and Outro music courtesy of Georgia Moon (https://www.thegeorgiamoon.com/)

You can find more from Matt at
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