S07: Episode 7.155: Cathryn Naiker & Ian Gordon

Published: July 9, 2020, 9 a.m.

The Raps are already in the bubble! How nervous are you? Bosh was on the Lowe Post and talked about fracturing his face and missing the playoffs with the Raptors. Does that heartbreak still register for you? Open Gym was already next level. Are they going to win an Oscar for filming stuff in Orlando?

NBA: The WNBA just got their tests in and they did a bit better. Liz Campage opted out due to a condition, but otherwise the rate is 5%. Are you excited for the WNBA to, perhaps, have its moment, albeit under ridiculous circumstances? Silver said significant spread in the NBA campus could result in the league shutting back down. Is this the first indication of the NBA having second thoughts or is this just old, cold, calculated Silver?

All this bubble talk! The NBA is a massively rich corporation. If money wasn’t an issue, what else would be interesting to see in a bubble? Quickish Questions and more! With comedians Cathryn Naiker and Ian Gordon!

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