This episode is all spoilers for Zack Snyder's Justice League. We did it! We watched a 4 hour movie and we're here to talk about it. Brett is joined this week by Frantz Cayo and Brent Birnbaum. What did we think of Lois in the movie? Who was the best Lois Lane? How did The Snyder Cut come to be? What did Frantz have to do to get his wife to watch the movie with him? What piece of music does Zack Snyder seem to love? What does Ben Affleck have that Christian Bale doesn't? Who was the best Batman? Which one of us does the best Batman voice? What was up with the aspect ratio? What Marvel character is a ripoff of Darkseid? What Marvel character does Cyborg resemble in the movie? What major movie franchise has Brett never seen? Can Green Lantern work as a live action series? Which moment in Man of Steel was unforgivable? Are superhero movies too formulaic? What writer does Brent think should write DC movies? Why are we not on the DC payroll, since we know everything? And finally - should you watch the movie?
Recorded 3/31/21 via Zencastr.