Waiting for Y The Last Man - Aaron Weininger - Ep 36

Published: April 23, 2021, 5:56 p.m.

A TV heavy episode with a healthy dose of comic book reading suggestions. Aaron is the kind of fan who knows who the colorist is on a book. Who else was up for the role of Moon Knight? Do Avengers in the MCU get paid? Would Falcon ever cash in on his status? What are Aaron's problems with the CW superhero shows (Brett likes those shows)? Which version of Moon Knight does Brett prefer? Which Hawkeye comic elevates the character? Are Aaron and Brett excited about the new Hawkeye Disney Plus series? What is Nowhere Men about? What is Great Pacific about? When will we get a Y The Last Man TV series? Did the pandemic change what type of media we want to consume? What show made Brett feel stupid? What is a good comic for people who don't like superhero comics? Who controls Spider-Man's movie appearances?

Reading tips: Civil War (original Marvel comics), Extremis, Transmetropolitan, Planetary, Warren Ellis' Moon Knight (or anything by Warren Ellis), Ed Brubaker's Captain America (Winter Soldier et al), Matt Fraction and David Aja's Hawkeye, Nowhere Men (Image), Great Pacific (Image), Umbrella Academy (Dark Horse), Y The Last Man, Kevin Smith's Green Arrow, Saga, Invincible

Watch tips: Falcon and Winter Soldier, Umbrella Academy, Batman The Animated Series, X-Men The Animated Series, Invincible

Recorded 4/16/21 via Cleanfeed